Simple Brioche Headband Pattern

The pattern
Cast on 20 sts using 5mm needles (straight or circular your choice) using Aran yarn. I used the long tail cast on technique to get me a stretchy cast on, but you can use any cast on as long as you don't do it tight (the cast on edge will be hidden).
Set up Row: (SL1YO, K1); repeat to end of row.
Ok to do the set up row, make sure your yarn is hanging to the front of the work and slip that 1st stitch purlwise from your left hand needle to the right hand needle. Then just knit the next stitch, allowing the yarn to go over the needle from the front to the back of the work. Now bring the yarn to the front of the work between the stitches and repeat the process until you get to the end of the row.
Row 1: ( SL1YO, BRK); repeat to end of row.
So in Row 1, again make sure your yarn is hanging to the front of the work and slip that 1st stitch purlwise from your left hand needle to the right hand needle. Then just knit the next stitch along with its yarn over (that's the BRK) , allowing the yarn to go over the needle from the front to the back of the work. Now bring the yarn to the front of the work between the stitches and repeat the process until you get to the end of the row.
Repeat Row 1 for 18 - 20 inches
So just carry on repeating Row 1. After a few rows you will see the Brioche taking place. You should see a single icord edging at each edge (looks like a single knit stitch on the edge of the work) and you should have something that looks like a chunky knit 1 purl 1 rib. If it doesn't look right then you will probably have gone wrong. At this stage its probably easiest to rip your work out and start again until you get it right.
Now Cast off, as you would normally but Knit the Knit stitch and it's corresponding Yarn over stitch together.
Joining & creating the knot.
Step 1: Fold the headband in half lengthwise and lay the band out in a "U" shape so that the cast on edge and the cast off edge lay parallel to each other.
Step 2: Bring the cast on edge and the cast off edge towards each other, overlapping each
Step3: Make sure the overlaps are tight.
Step 4: Use both of the threads (cast on and cast off threads) to over sew across the top of all 4 layers of knitting, ensuring all the layers are sewn through each time the needle is taken through.
Step 5: Fasten the threads off securely and trim off the ends.
Step 6: Turn the headband the other way and admire your knot.