Sandra's Designing Blog

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Category: Knitwear

  1. 156 Pairs of Gloves

    Posted on


    Probably wondering what ! what is Sandra on about now? 

    Well today I'm mixing and matching, which is exactly what we all do with our knitted accessories. Pulling similar colours, textures and patterns together as well as making sure that they are functional too.  
    All the gloves (knitted, kits and patterns) you find in my web store are all fingerless. There are 2 main reasons for this, 
    1. I can't knit fingers, they are too fiddly for me. I'm one of those knitters who enjoys knitting large pieces of fabric, fingers, toys, even tiny baby garments can be too fiddly for me, I get in a mess, the needles and yarn become entwined. I know my limit.
    2. I prefer wearing fingerless gloves!, yes even in the midst of a cold winter I'd rather have my fingers free.If they get too cold I simply put my hands in my pockets.
    ISSUE 156 of THE KNITTER (October) had 2 of my designs in it !!

    If you fancy knitting one of these designs sometime, then if you wait 6 months I will be supplying the individual patterns on Ravelry and on my web site.
    A sample of the Fingerless Gloves available in Sandra's store
    Stokesay from Issue 156 of The Knitter is probably my best design to date. I made my own modification to the  lace tulip pattern so that the twisty stems could continue right up the sweater. I love the sleeve lengths and the neckline. If I was knitting this for myself (and I will one day) I would make the body longer, but otherwise perfect.
    A sample of the Fingerless Gloves KIT's available in Sandra's store.  A variety of cables, fair isle and lace, some knitted in the round, some knitted flat. 

    Great to knit up for Christmas gifts or why not gift the kit! 
    Lightwaves from Issue 156 of The Knitter is a lovely slip stitch square cushion. Using natural colours of West Yorkshire Spinner Illustrious yarn in a geometric pattern. Not an easy knit, you do need to follow the instructions row by row but well worth it. Finishes with tassles on the back.