Sandra's Designing Blog

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My 1st design in "The Knitter"

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The Knitter is the premier magazine for confident knitters who are looking for beautiful, original patterns from the world’s best designers (quote taken striaght from their web site). So imagine how I felt when the editor Kirstie liked my "cross over top" idea and featured the pattern in the 99th edition of the Knitter that's out today- 21st June 2016.

Update - This pattern is now available from my web site - click here 


I submitted the idea to their "criss cross trends" theme. Kirstie stipulated that she wanted something that combined both lace and cables. Well I gave them that in my chequered lace and cable pattern. I also incorporated the "criss cross" in the actual finish of the garment as one half criss crosses over the front. 

Where did I get this unusual idea from? you may wonder, well it came to me out of the blue in the middle of the night.! Can I really create a garment out of 2 long pieces of knitting I thought to myself. So early in the morning, No I didnt knit 2 scarves, I simply took 2 pieces of fabric and pinned them on my mannequin, adjusting the width of each fabric piece as I went along. Mmm I thought, If I sew it here and here and joined it up the back, yes it would work. 

Knitting it was a worrying task though. What if I knitted the pieces and somehow I had done my calculations incorrectly and it didn't fit anymore? There is no trying it on to fit as you go along with this top. Phew, all was OK though. Here you can see it in the latest edition of The Knitter magazine


criss cross top back

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  1. Pauline Lofkin

    OOOO! Sandra! I just bought my copy of Simply knitting and was finishing it off and saw the item on your crazy knitting life! So, here I am drooling over your website and designs like the crossover top as above! And I don't want to go to bed . I just want to knit forever more. It's like being given the most delicious chocolate cake ever but you pick at it, crumb by crumb so it lasts! I don't want to close your site. I quite like drooling! More please! You're a genius [and I don't say that lightly]. Have signed up for your newsletter and I can't wait to read it and your blogs and oh! I so want to knit something of yours. How clever you are. big X

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  2. This is genius! I thought the back would be at an angle too but love how it sits on the hips. Congratulations on getting it published in The Knitter.

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